Monday, May 30, 2016

Pacifier Holder

I love this two in one pacifier clip. I am planning on having another baby within the next year and I find that this is the most safely crafted pacifier clip. It supports brain development and provides superior visual stimulation. The beads massage teething gums and soothes teething symptoms while promoting healthy tooth development. This is definitely a money saver, you wont lose as many pacifiers as usual, you can attatch it to teething rings, baby blankets, drool bibs, stroller and car seat straps etc. The best part about it is that it is NON TOXIC and easy to clean, also if you're not the biggest fan of this clip there is a 100% satisfaction guaranteed money back.

Head over to amazon today and get your bundle of joy her very own money/pacifier saver.

I received this pacifier clip/holder in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinionated review.

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

T-Spray (Oral Health)

Dental health is extremely important healthy wise and cosmetically.
This spray protects against teeth staining, treats cavities, fights gum disease, kills bacteria and helps with sensitive teeth!

I love this spray! I have the flavor in 'Cool Mint'. I find that the flavor of mint and the smell of mint helps remove the bad after taste and smell of the previous things that were in our mouths. This tastes great and doesnt leave a bad after taste either. I carry it in my purse at all times. It came in perfect use today after eating a cinnamon pretzel at the movie theater today.

Get your oral health spray today!

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Friday, May 27, 2016

Bike strap

I love this bike strap! It makes it so easy to life and carry from one place to another.
Get yourself and or your children these straps. Head over to amazon. You wobt regret it.

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I recieved this bike strap in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinionated review.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Stainless Steel Water Bottle

I am absolutely in love with this bottle! My soon to be sister-in-law had a bottle similar to this and I just had to get one. Hers hooked onto her bags and all, same with this but this one is better quality and hers wasn't stainless steel. 
This bottle is easy to clean and easy to use. 
I use it, my daughter uses it and hubby will too now that he has a membership with planet fitness! 

Get yours today!

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<a href="" rel="nofollow"><img style="display: none" src="" /></a>)

I recieved this stainless steel water bottle in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinionated review. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Can a Princess

My daughter is in absolute love with this book!
These days its very hard to keep our children as kids. Books like these allow and encourage imagination. Everything is always one sided and boys are firefighters and cops, and girls are either princesses or fairies... Never the opposite. I truly believe women can do anything men can and I will continue to teach my daughter the same. She can do one, two or all of the things she dreams. I love this books and that's my perspective as a parent. my daughter is six years old and keeps in on her night stand.

Get yours little princess her very own book today!

I received this book in exchange for my 
honest and unbiased opinionated review.

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Friday, May 6, 2016

Oral thermometer

I have a six year old and will be expecting. I ha e a few thermometers, but they take a bit too long to read.
This oral thermometer is fast reading Fast in as quick as 10-20 seconds. It contains digital reading with a blacklight display. This thermometer can also be used for rectal and armpit measurements.
Is flexible and waterproof! I absolutely love that feature because usually thermometers get damaged from either battery damaged and or water damage.
I recieved this oral thermometer in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinionated review.

Get your very own thermometer today!

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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Beautonics straightening brush

My daughter absolutely loves this straightening brush! It's safe for her to use herself, with my supervisor and guidance of course. 

Get yours today!

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Baby Bamboo Spoons

I am so obsessed with this bamboo spoon set! 

My baby cousin loved them! They were easy for her to grasp. 

They came in a keepsake box which was also bamboo.

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Get your own set today!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Valentia exfoliating mask

Loving this exfoliating Mask by Valentia! 

Get your own today!

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Monday, May 2, 2016

US Art Supply Watercolor Pencils

      I am absolutely in love with US Art Supply's art supplies! I am a consistent customer and will forever be! My daughter is six and is an aspiring artist and she loves this set. This water color set has such a professional looks to them. I love the assorted colors. The colors are so easy to blend, the lines are so smooth and I have absolutely no problem sharpening these as I normally do with other brands. The colors are very pigmented and I love that. Recently I just started a new calming way to cope with my feelings, I bought an adult coloring book and these will be right next to me when I am coloring. These are great for both children and adults.

My daughter loves them, she used her watercolor pencils on her watercolor pad. 

She went on YouTube and found a how to video of a Disney princess (Jasmine).

When she gave up... She made it my duty to finish the task. This is my attempt. 

And with color...

I would like to add that I received this thirty-six piece watercolor pencil set in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinionated review.

Head over to Amazon to get your own set today!

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