You grow with the characters each season and each and every finale the directors/writers break our hearts with an original member of the group being killed in a dramatic scenario!
At first I wanted Lori gone, I couldn't wait until it happened, but the way she did was heart breaking. Carl practically lost all humanity, if it weren't for Judith who knows how Carl would be.... (?)
Then Andrea, after leaving behind Michonne to test waters out with The Governor after several warnings from a friend... Couldn't wait! Again heart breaking.
Maggie and Beth's amazing grace of a father, Glens father-in-law... Gone! I can't even say I was heart broken, there are no words. Other than Rick, he was another man to keep the group movin forward and staying positive with his preaches, readings from the bible, knowledge medicine ("The trick is to keep the symptoms under control"). The reason they all were separated!!! :(
Beth, Maggie's sister, Hershel's Daughter, Glen's sister-in-law, friend to everyone, singer for all to hear even the walkers, possible girl friend to Daryl Dixon ... She was a huge liability, but she had hope. That's what her father taught her and she kicked that hope into Daryl, explanation of him slowly getting soft on us. GONE!!! I don't believe it was an accident! She was a true friend!
I've been playing the games since a little after the show came out. I do not play video games, for whatever reason... THEY ANNOY ME! But an RPG that's got a similar storyline and even a few of the same characters as the show brings me to love "his" Playstation. (Giggle)
I don't know what #AMC & #TellTaleGames has done to me, but I am addicted!
Try it out!!!
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